It is good to have accountability, someone who can look at you and assess honestly without biased and help you to make improvements to your life. This person can be a spouse or significant other, a friend a pastor, counselor, mentor or trusted family member. It is most important to recognize that there are some people who actually do not have your best intention at heart, practice discernment.
Learn your circle and surround yourself with people who are positive, that want to see you doing good and that will push you to do better. Don't be dismayed if people start to fall off from your life. As God begins to progress you and sometimes the more successful you become it will reveal the true intention and heart of those who you believe to be closest to you. Don't fret everyone is not meant to make the journey with you. God at times appoints people for a reason and a season and just because you love them does not mean they are here to stay.
For example if you want to learn Spanish but you only hang out with people who speak English and have no desire to learn Spanish well then something needs to change. Now be careful not to judge, maybe the people in your circle don't know the benefits to learning to speak Spanish or the simple joys of the wonderful language. Start to incorporate people in your life that are where you want to be and not where you are. If you want to be a corporate accountant and everyone you know works in information technology those people are still valuable yes, but not for that area of your life.
Try to limit negative influence. Surround yourself with positive people. Be an agent of change and try and influence others positively. Take inventory. ask yourself... are you the best you that you can possible be? The more you know the more you grow ;-) When we know better we do better.