Honestly as I begin to pen this I cant even fathom what I should entitle this. I begin this by saying that my mother and father were married for 30 years before she transitioned on to be with the Lord, their relationship was far from perfect but they weathered the storm and had a love that most probably could not understand.
I am a Christian yes... not perfect but striving to be like the one who is (Jesus) and I absolutely believe in marriage. I ultimately would love to get married and have a family one day.
I am not confused with delusions of grandeur concerning a fairy tale of a perfect man that will swoop down and save me from the muck of the dating world and muck is a nice word for it.
I am not sure that I believe in the concept of a soul mate or a "Perfect Man" but I do believe that maybe there is someone who was predestined for me since the beginning and that even with all of his flaws is the perfect one for me!
In saying all of that I am so completely disenchanted with dating as a whole. I actually don't care for it at all. Now I know you are saying, "Come on if you want to get married how can you not like to date?" Honestly I don't like the awkwardness of it, sure I am a confident person, great with people but I consider myself more of a relationship person.
I have found myself as of recently going on various dates but to no avail. I have made a few connections with some seeming interested men but after awhile it seem to fizzle out. Now I am not here for recreational dating but that certainly does not mean that every man I meet I am trying to lock him down or marry him within 30 days. However I have found a number of men in their late 20's to early 30's who are looking to have a physical connection with a woman and not much more.
I have found that quite a few of my female friends who are established with no children are having the same issue finding someone to date. I don't want anyone to think this is a man bashing post but I am standing in my truth concerning my experiences. I have found that most men I have encountered in my age bracket are unwilling to commit, not honest about their relationships status or looking to monopolize your time without setting clear expectations.
I have been an equal opportunity dater, dating outside my race, dating men of other religious backgrounds and everything... why because what can you say you like if you haven't tried other options but across the board it appears to be the same end result.
It may just be Atlanta but think I am going on a Mancation until further notice!!
The disenchanted yet hopeless romantic
Ayanna Piranha
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
The Verdict is Out!! Gwen Bunn is that DEAL!!
So ever so often an Artist just comes along that just gets it.... with a quit and thunderous voice that draws you in Gwen Bunn an Atlanta Native is on constant repeat over here. Gwen's voice reminds me of Yummy Binghamton but is very Unique in its own regard..... I am late as it appears her EP dropped a few years ago... Not sure How I missed this gem but she is well worth Checking out.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Encourage Yourself (Woman in the Word Prayer Call)
Encourage yourself
Scripture References
*Psalms 37:5 *James 1:22 *Psalms 139:14 * Isaiah 41:10 * Hebrews 11:6 *James 1:22
Prepare to Walk In His Purpose and His Plan
God is very intentional (Psalms 37:5)
God does everything well and makes no mistakes
Don't be afraid to be set apart
Be un-apologetically who you are.... Your fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14)
Remember always that you are beautiful and precious beyond measure and that you are valuable
Be Not Dismayed by What You See (Isaiah 41:10)
If you are in a difficult times God wishes to use your trial as a testament to his goodness and also to draw people to him
He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6)
Have An Ear to Hear What thus Saith The Lord
* Shift into what God is saying for your life
*Hear with your spirit that agrees with God's will and not your heart your will and your seat of emotions
Put it into action don't just be hearers but doers of the word God wants to use you mightily to be salt and light moving and shaking throughout the earth. Everything that you have been going through and have been through to this point is fuel for the fire that will ignite change in your life and the lives of generations to come !!
James 1:22
Please email me if you have feed back, prayer request or questions.
Monday, January 27, 2014
There is is nothing that is beyond the reach of God. Not your finances, relationships, marriage, absolutely nothing. Often times the enemy will try to distract us and draw us away from the truth. The enemy desires to get us up and arms and to doubt God so that he can sift us like wheat. Do not let him.
Focus on what it is that the Lord would have you to do! God is Able. Nothing will surprise him about your circumstance. He is not caught off guard by anything that has happened to you. God is very intentional in everything that he does so please trust in his provision.
If God put a desire in your heart, a dream a vision and or a plan, Trust him. God is Able. Every snag, every hater, every misfortune and set back is a set up for a come up you just have to believe it.
This is my encouragement for you today. Trust, believe and receive. God is able to do just what he said. You are not forgotten. I pray the Lord Strengthen bless and keep you today and always.
Patrice Ayanna :-)
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Every Few years a song comes along that just makes me happy and changes the course of my day!! Here is the latest. Pharell is just beyond dope as a artist and a producer but this song does it for me!!
What's in Your Rearview 2013-2014
I am so excited to finally be sitting down to carve out time to write in this blog. So may things, events and circumstances have taken me away from what I love. You probably would not believe how many times I have sat down to pen something or to just get the emotions out... and time, work, family and life just happened. I can not believe it has been over a year since I have shared with you all.
Every year I do a "What's in your review" type of deal to look back to move forward. A good friend once told me "time changes everything" and that is so true (thanks Jay). In October 2012 I lost my mother 2 weeks later I lost my Grandfather and on Mothers day 2013 my father had a life saving liver transplant at the Cleveland Clinic. In the midst of all of these life altering circumstances I managed to graduate with my Masters in Biblical Counseling. In the midst of it all God provided he covered, he blessed and he kept me and my family. I am more than grateful for the peace God gave me in the most troubling times of my life.
I think in this last year, maybe year and a half I have learned more about myself than ever before. I have had my world turned upside down with grief and uncertainty, changed my career completely and left my old job. I have found out who is about me and who is not. I have found a inner strength that I never knew I had.
I don't make new years resolutions but I believe if you want something different you have to do something different. so here are 4 things that I resolve to do not, as a new years resolution but as a life resolution.
1.) I will pour energy and love only into those who are pouring energy and Love into me and support those who support me.
2.) I will prioritize my health and well being, mentally, spiritually and physically.
3.) I will make power moves and be relentless about building for the future.
4.) I will accept absolutely, positively no more empty love relationships! I will only accept the love I deserve.
Well there it is transparent... the good, the bad and the not so pretty. I pray that you embraced all that you have learned in 2013 to make a better 2014. What's in your rear view?
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