Honestly as I begin to pen this I cant even fathom what I should entitle this. I begin this by saying that my mother and father were married for 30 years before she transitioned on to be with the Lord, their relationship was far from perfect but they weathered the storm and had a love that most probably could not understand.
I am a Christian yes... not perfect but striving to be like the one who is (Jesus) and I absolutely believe in marriage. I ultimately would love to get married and have a family one day.
I am not confused with delusions of grandeur concerning a fairy tale of a perfect man that will swoop down and save me from the muck of the dating world and muck is a nice word for it.
I am not sure that I believe in the concept of a soul mate or a "Perfect Man" but I do believe that maybe there is someone who was predestined for me since the beginning and that even with all of his flaws is the perfect one for me!
In saying all of that I am so completely disenchanted with dating as a whole. I actually don't care for it at all. Now I know you are saying, "Come on if you want to get married how can you not like to date?" Honestly I don't like the awkwardness of it, sure I am a confident person, great with people but I consider myself more of a relationship person.
I have found myself as of recently going on various dates but to no avail. I have made a few connections with some seeming interested men but after awhile it seem to fizzle out. Now I am not here for recreational dating but that certainly does not mean that every man I meet I am trying to lock him down or marry him within 30 days. However I have found a number of men in their late 20's to early 30's who are looking to have a physical connection with a woman and not much more.
I have found that quite a few of my female friends who are established with no children are having the same issue finding someone to date. I don't want anyone to think this is a man bashing post but I am standing in my truth concerning my experiences. I have found that most men I have encountered in my age bracket are unwilling to commit, not honest about their relationships status or looking to monopolize your time without setting clear expectations.
I have been an equal opportunity dater, dating outside my race, dating men of other religious backgrounds and everything... why because what can you say you like if you haven't tried other options but across the board it appears to be the same end result.
It may just be Atlanta but think I am going on a Mancation until further notice!!
The disenchanted yet hopeless romantic
Ayanna Piranha