Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Waiting God

 I am currently using the Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer app for sermons and devotionals... in my alone time with God I read this and it really touched my heart so I wanted to share. I hope you enjoy please share with others and download the app for yourself it's free.


The Waiting God

Joyce Meyer

And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for his victory].
—Isaiah 30:18
This verse has become one of my favorites, and it has often been a source of encouragement to me when I’ve had hard times. The Living Bible paraphrases the verse like this: “Yet the Lord still waits for you to come to him, so he can show you his love; he will conquer you to bless you, just as he said. For the Lord is faithful to his promises. Blessed are all those who wait for him to help them.” Let’s think of the implication of the promise. God waits for us. As I think of that promise, it staggers my mind. The Creator of the universe and the Giver of all life has chosen to wait for us—waits for us to come to our senses, waits for us to respond to His love, waits for us to turn to Him for help.
That’s a staggering thought. God wants to show us love.
Perhaps as much as anywhere else, Satan attempts to build a mental stronghold right there. When we contemplate God’s love for us, many of us can’t take it in. We can only think of our failures, our shortcomings, and dozens of other reasons why God shouldn’t love us.
That reminds me of a kind man I’ve known for many years. One day he took care of a situation for me that he didn’t have to. I was surprised and deeply touched. “You are probably the kindest man I know,” I told him.
He stared at me in shock. “Me? Kind? Oh, I can be mean-spirited and cruel,” he said. For several minutes, he explained to me that he couldn’t possibly be a kind man. “I live with myself all the time, and I see all my defects.”
“Maybe that’s the trouble,” I told him. “You see your defects so clearly, you don’t see your caring, compassionate qualities. You discount all those things.”
He never could accept that he was kind. I also used the word gentle and that surprised him, too.
Perhaps that’s how it is with many of God’s people. We are so absorbed by our failures and all the wrong things we see about ourselves, it’s hard to believe that God wants to bless us. If we read, “God wants to punish you,” we wouldn’t have trouble saying, “Yes, that’s what I deserve.”
But how would we answer if someone said, “God wants to bless you”? We probably would say, “I don’t deserve that.”
How many of us believe we are entitled to God’s blessings? We want the good things. We want God to love us, encourage us, bless us, and give us victory, but to say we deserve the blessings may be more than we are willing to accept.
Why do we struggle over the concept of deserving? Our tendency is to think that we have to do something to earn the blessings… that we have to be good enough or faithful enough. We miss the point of God’s powerful, gracious love. Our blessings from God are not a result of our goodness. They are the result of God’s goodness.
We are entitled to God’s blessings for only one reason: because we are His children. It’s just that simple. Those of us who are parents grasp that concept with regard to our children. We brought them into the world, and they deserve our love. We freely give them our love before they do anything good or bad. They deserve our protection and all the good things we choose to give them. They don’t deserve those things because they’ve done something to earn them, but simply because they are our children.
Satan loves to trip us up on this one. As soon as we think it is right for us to be blessed, he points to our weaknesses or our failures. God points to our relationship. That’s the difference.
Gracious and loving God, thank You for being willing to bless me. Even though the devil tries to make me feel undeserving, please remind me that I am Your child and You are my Father. My relationship to You makes me deserving, and I thank You for that in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Give Up!!


Now I know this title may have you a bit confused but  hold on, I promise I am taking you somewhere with this. Allow me to be candid and maybe show you a side of Patrice that you are not familiar with. Allow me to introduce you to the imperfect creature God created for and with purpose. 

Hi my name is Patrice I like new things at times I can be an emotional shopper, I love God but I curse, at times like a sailor... I am a pack rat and sometimes I don't pay my bills on time however they always get paid. I have anxiety I worry about everything all the time..... I may be a bit of a perfectionist yet the queen of procrastination ...I always date the wrong men for me ( fix it Jesus) I hate to feel like I'm failing so I hold on to people, places and things longer than I should. There it all is....  because I GIVE UP!! 

There is something so freeing about the truth. I GIVE UP! I say that to say, you should give up to... The only manual we have to this thing called life is the bible. We are human flawed creatures yet beautiful because he created us in the likeness of his image. You should give up your idea of what you think your life should be... Let God have control let him govern you. 

Give up on peoples opinions and ideology concerning who they think and feel you should be. Be who Christ compels you to be and by all means be happy! Life ain't no crystal stare, honey and it is always throwing you curve balls. Know that it is OK to fail and not do everything perfect, I believe it is all a part of the process.

Give up but not on your dreams, but give up on what you thought the path or route to get there would look like. It is OK! I promise you it is!

Love ... Peace and the light of his Grace

Patrice Ayanna 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Stay The Course

In 1994 Robert Zemeckis directed super star actor Tom Hanks in a movie called Forest Gump. The movie itself is a tale of love, loss and overcoming while defying the odds. The story chronicles the life of a young man who was seemingly at a disadvantage from by physical and maybe even mental challenges; the story is filled with quotes that seem to be so true about life.

One of the most famous lines from the movie was one where Forest pointed out to a stranger “Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get!” Well Forest that is true in so many ways. I would motion to say that if life is like a box of chocolates then you are blessed because there are times when life is just not that sweet, but rather a bitter pill to swallow. It is true you never know what you’re going to get!

When life for you has been met with opposition and difficult times know that it is ok. If you are hurt disappointed, angry, depressed or feeling like you have really messed up know that it is all a part of the process. Often times we hold feelings inside or feel a sense of guilt attached to our feelings. You are allowed to feel the way you feel about whatever is going on in your life, but don’t get stuck there!! Own your feelings assess the situation and try to grow from your experiences and move forward.

Sometimes life isn’t all sunshine and roses but down fret! Hard times are often the precursor to better times and advancement. Be gentle with yourself you are doing the best you can. At the time you may not have accomplished everything you set out to do, you may not have the house, the car, or the spouse you want, but if you take a look back over where you’ve been and what you have already accomplished you will see that you have so much to be thankful for. Stay the Course! The Best is yet to come!!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Turn Your Worry Into Worship

This Morning while scrolling through my Facebook feed I saw a meme that said "Turn your Worry into worship". I thought to myself, how powerful is that. As someone who suffers from anxiety and is learning how to manage I thought what a way to hand over all of that nervousness and anxious feelings over to God by turning your worry into worship. If you or I can find a place of praise in the midst of difficulties we can manage to turn that worry into worship. So simply in my quest to turn the negatives of life into positives that is my mission of the day.

I think that it is imperative that we begin to ask God for what we want. If we are seeking love joy peace and tranquility we must get into a place of praise and begin to ask the Lord for the things that we want and need. In that asking we must also trust that he will provide. I believe that he is waiting on us with arms open wide for us to spend that time with him. I believe that God is waiting with a YES, he is waiting to shift the atmosphere and move on your behalf.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

His love is intentional, Never Failing

At times life can be increasingly difficult.  For me I have faced more difficulties and trials and tribulations within the last 3 years of my life than I feel like I ever have.  One thing is consistent... God is in control! I am sad at times, confused, hurt,  many times I don't understand his will for my life and  his plan but I know that he does everything well and that he is intentional. I know that even in this most difficult time  he is in the background working it out on my behalf.

In trying times when you feel you cant help yourself , help someone else. If you feel to weak to pray for yourself then maybe try and pray for someone else. Sometimes in our hurt and discomfort God is stretching and growing us. It is in this time that it is most important to focus on God and his purpose and his plan and if you don't know exactly what that looks like for your life.... it is most certainly time to seek that out. 

The word of God reminds us that all things work together for the good of them that Love the Lord. Your life has purpose! Your life has worth even if others around you don't see it. So in the midst of a break-up, sickness, family turmoil or even joblessness.. God has a plan for you and he loves you....If you have nothing else to hold on to hold on to that... know that he loves you and he cares. All things are working for your good ... he's intentional ....he's not a man that he may lie and he will never fail!

Be Encouraged

Patrice Ayanna <3

Thursday, July 16, 2015

An Attitude of Praise

Life can be difficult at times and can throw you for a loop to say the least. Things can quickly make a turn towards the negative but in the same regard a blessing can be right on the horizon it depends on your perception. 

If you are in  a rocky relationship, relocating, changing careers, or experiencing family issues know that God has his hand in it all. Perception is everything, at times storms are allowed in our lives not to drown us but to wash and renew us. While we are going through our growing pains it certainly doesn't feel good but the pruning is to help us to grow and bare fruit.  

How do you see life? Do you feel as if you are going from struggle to struggle or from victory to victory. Take up an attitude of praise. Sure your reality may be difficult but how you approach your difficult times make a large difference. Take a look back over all you have overcome  you will see just how good the Lord has been and how much you actually have to be thankful for. 

If you are experiencing family or relationship issues look at it as an opportunity for God to cultivate, grow, and strengthen your relationships.  If by chance you have lost your job or are experiencing job dissatisfaction look at this as God providing you an opportunity to start a business or explore a career change. Take up an attitude of praise because in the end it is either a blessing or a lesson and both prove to be beneficial. 

Patrice Ayanna

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Fork in The Road; Don't Lose Focus

Life is such a maze of twist and turns and ups and downs. We are often inundated with imaginary from television and social media on what others portray happiness and success to be. We are often times dismayed by comparing ourselves and our relationships to what we see others have and what media tells us should make us happy this I feel is a trick of the enemy.  

Don't loose focus! Seek God for peace. What God has for you is for you and no one can change or alter that. All you need is one yes from God concerning your dream and your passion, and if he be for you who can be against you. God in many instances gives us the power to choose and create our own happiness. 

What will you do with this power? Will you squander this power by chasing after others vision of happiness or will you go confidently after your own dreams. There is a fork in the road, which way will you choose. It does not matter what rises up against you no weapon formed against you shall prosper ... now it doesn't say that these weapons wont be fashioned or formed but just know that they will not prosper. That home girl who stole your business idea, that family member who dragged your name through the mud, the boss who has it out for you.... NO WEAPON!!

The world is essentially your oyster... what will you do with the talents you have and the opportunities that have been provided? You are standing, facing this fork in the road it is your choice to choose. Will you choose a life that is pleasing to others doing what is conventional or what others view as success or happiness or  will you stray off the beaten path... there is a fork in the road... which way will you choose?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tough Times Call for Tough People

Tough Times Call for Tough People

Life is filled with challenges, peeks and valley's. It sounds cliché but tough times can either make or break you. Well what about those who support us during those times? It is easy for people to cheer us on and to be by our side when we are at our best, but what about when you are struggling and at your worst.

Tough times call for tough people. It is sometimes in the valley where we discover those who truly love and support us. Some of our greatest challenges are easier to bare with the support  of those who love us the most. What can become more cumbersome is lack of support in your deepest time of need.

So what is one to do when you are left hanging out to dry by those who you feel are supposed to support you? Well..... I have recently been faced with this specific dilemma. Now I don't claim to be an expert and well I am still figuring a few things out while in a bit of a valley myself. I offer this tid bit of advice. Communicate openly, own your feelings... however you are feeling in that time you have a right to feel that way. Release the weight of it without taking it out on those around you.

Recognize those who are for you pay no attention to those who are not. You (and God) are the only ones responsible for your own happiness. Putting your trust, and faith in any man... woman... Human  is a path that may lead in shear disappointment. Now this is by no means a rant to show forth a loss of faith in humanity, as it is a cautionary tale to never lean more on others and your own resource and abilities, more  than  you lean on God.

I am guilty of being out of focus and off the path and sometimes it is not the enemy, but God providing the challenges to refine us and refocus us. It is our job to be in desperate pursuit of him. He is waiting with open arms to receive us. He is  concerned about what concerns us and is waiting with open arms to shed light on our darkest situations and Redeem us.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Going Forward I Will (What's in Your Rear View)

2014 was a most interesting year to say the least. The year was filled will heart break, loss and financial difficulties and mountains of change on the career front.  There were struggles in  love, faith, family and finance. In all many beneficial life lessons were learned. I am not a real big fan of "New Year Resolutions" however, I am quite a big fan of  taking a look in the mirror reassessing and moving forward. So  this year in my rear view are some things that I am choosing to leave behind but rather than focus on those things I will focus on "Going Forward". So in the fashion of Going Forward listed below are a few affirmations concerning moving forward in the new year.


Be more diligent about God and kingdom business

Focus on building for the future

Love who Loves me

Reciprocate love and appreciation

Be more discerning of the People, Places and Things I lend my time to


Worry and stress less about things I can not control

Be absolutely ME... completely free and happy!! Free from judgement labels and other peoples opinions of what I should act think and feel like!!

Going Forward in 2015 what will you be leaving in your rear view?