Life is filled with challenges, peeks and valley's. It sounds cliché but tough times can either make or break you. Well what about those who support us during those times? It is easy for people to cheer us on and to be by our side when we are at our best, but what about when you are struggling and at your worst.
Tough times call for tough people. It is sometimes in the valley where we discover those who truly love and support us. Some of our greatest challenges are easier to bare with the support of those who love us the most. What can become more cumbersome is lack of support in your deepest time of need.
So what is one to do when you are left hanging out to dry by those who you feel are supposed to support you? Well..... I have recently been faced with this specific dilemma. Now I don't claim to be an expert and well I am still figuring a few things out while in a bit of a valley myself. I offer this tid bit of advice. Communicate openly, own your feelings... however you are feeling in that time you have a right to feel that way. Release the weight of it without taking it out on those around you.
Recognize those who are for you pay no attention to those who are not. You (and God) are the only ones responsible for your own happiness. Putting your trust, and faith in any man... woman... Human is a path that may lead in shear disappointment. Now this is by no means a rant to show forth a loss of faith in humanity, as it is a cautionary tale to never lean more on others and your own resource and abilities, more than you lean on God.
I am guilty of being out of focus and off the path and sometimes it is not the enemy, but God providing the challenges to refine us and refocus us. It is our job to be in desperate pursuit of him. He is waiting with open arms to receive us. He is concerned about what concerns us and is waiting with open arms to shed light on our darkest situations and Redeem us.