Life can be difficult at times and can throw you for a loop to say the least. Things can quickly make a turn towards the negative but in the same regard a blessing can be right on the horizon it depends on your perception.
If you are in a rocky relationship, relocating, changing careers, or experiencing family issues know that God has his hand in it all. Perception is everything, at times storms are allowed in our lives not to drown us but to wash and renew us. While we are going through our growing pains it certainly doesn't feel good but the pruning is to help us to grow and bare fruit.
How do you see life? Do you feel as if you are going from struggle to struggle or from victory to victory. Take up an attitude of praise. Sure your reality may be difficult but how you approach your difficult times make a large difference. Take a look back over all you have overcome you will see just how good the Lord has been and how much you actually have to be thankful for.
If you are experiencing family or relationship issues look at it as an opportunity for God to cultivate, grow, and strengthen your relationships. If by chance you have lost your job or are experiencing job dissatisfaction look at this as God providing you an opportunity to start a business or explore a career change. Take up an attitude of praise because in the end it is either a blessing or a lesson and both prove to be beneficial.
Patrice Ayanna