Erase the Scar
Once upon a time there you were happy and whole, set free
and living your life with a purpose and on purpose! Somewhere life got tricky
and you got tripped up, people hurt you, and life didn’t turn out the way you
planned. You prayed about it, picked up
the pieces and moved on with your life or so you thought.
The pains of life often times leave us with scars. At times these scars are seemingly invisible. They lay beneath the surface covered up by I’m ok, it’s alright, and hallelujah anyhow… until something triggers that past hurt and that scar that was seemingly invisible is now visible for all to see. Your emotional , your easily offended, your angry, you cry or fly off the handle for no particular reason at all…. there it is your scar, for the world to see.
Take the plunge and erase the scar! Life is filled with
challenges and ups and downs. Don’t let
them make you bitter or harden your heart.
Half the battle understands who you are and whose you are. Recognize
that you are valuable, to God these life hiccups are a part of your bigger picture.
It is shaping you and molding you for your destiny. Take your time to heal and process. Don’t rush
the process, overcoming challenges can be trying. Take the time to discover the root of the
problem, look within do a self check. Self discovery is important to your
journey, always look to improve and be your best self.
There is no manual for this thing called life. Be gentle
with yourself. Life is a journey, a journey of growing and learning. Heal so
that you can be a help to others, there is no time limitation on that. Look at
ever challenge as either a blessin or a Lesson that happens to you for a reason
or a season.You are not perfect but you will always be at your best when you are striving to be like the one who is.