Monday, January 8, 2018

What's in your rearview 2017: Start, Stop and Continue

Happy New Year!!!

2017 has provided a number of lessons in love and life and although the pruning was painful I am thankful for the progress. Now we all know by now that I don't exactly do New Year resolutions but I am always in a perpetual state of self improvement. 2017 was a year of  rebuilding and reclaiming my time! So this year my "What's in your rearview" will look a lot more like a START, STOP and CONTINUE. What is that? Well I am glad you asked if you have never used this as a work/relationship or therapeutic tool it is what behaviors, patterns or things will I choice to stop... start... or continue. So here it is

In 2018 I will ...


Praying more often and journaling. I will start to prioritize myself, and self care. Often times in our quest to love and support people we loose sight of what we want and need and slow down on achieving and or setting personal goals. This year I will make an concerted effort to not only push to achieve more just for me but also say NO more... to others and yes to myself. Being consistent is the key. Consistency with better eating habits and working out so that I am always bikini ready lol which leads me to TRAVEL. Traveling more (perhaps solo travel) is always a goal  and saving more money is also high priority because lets face it without the coins you cant travel.


Stop unnecessary spending ... in order to travel more achieve some of the other goals I have for myself I will need to be more intentional in regard to my spending habits. I have found that emotional spending leads to the clutter and my earnest prayer is to minimize and clear the clutter in my life mentally, physically and spiritually. In clearing that space I will stop holding on to negative memories, people, behaviors and or attitudes.  I will make every effort to stop comparing myself to others.... this to me is also a form of self care. God is in control not my will ... not my time but his.... my journey may not look like everyone else's but I need to stay the course, just because it may take more time for the things I have prayed about to materialize doesn't mean that God didn't hear me!


I will continue the grind. I will continue to create content from a happy place. I will continue to support those who support me. I will continue to make positive strides toward being my best self and always look for opportunities to show gratitude. My mother used to always say... Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is your best! Keep Pushing Forward!!

Love Always

Patrice Ayanna