Saturday, January 15, 2011

Are you going along to get along?

This morning I couldn't sleep. While channel surfing I came along Jentezen Franklin (please check him out at I think he is pretty awesome) a preacher from Gainsville GA. In his message he was talking about the power of fasting and how you can really get clear and concise direction from God when you fast.

They say the Lord works in mysterious ways. You have no idea how true this is! I have always been a very visual person so God uses this to minister to me. Jentezen Franklin, was ministering about fasting, from the same place that Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights which was the Judean desert. He pointed out the unbarable heat of the day without shade or covering. He painted the picture of how many could wander almost endlessly with any direction. He spoke to the cold nights of the desert and how Jesus was alone with no one to light a fire for him.

I immediately saw the bigger picture! We as believers are supposed to be the salt of the earth! However I wonder how many of us are in a spiritual desert wandering aimlessly with no direction, no covering, alone and cold b/c we have lost our fire? Are you in this place getting beat down by the elements of this life? Now trust me, this is not a judgemental overly spiritual or preachy thing but it is true. Even the most sanctified and or positive person can grow weary in well doing!

Are you going along to get along? Or are you standing out? I once heard a preacher say at a conference to remember that we as believers are the salt of the earth. As you know salt is very strong and has a pungent taste. Wherever salt has been you know it was there b/c it changes the atmosphere. It melts ice, makes the nasty food bearable, and helps bring slow moving water come to a boil. Simply put it changes things!

Are you in the word moving and shaking? Are you as salt melting cold hearts, making the nastiness of the world bareable and lighting the fire to make slow moving progress come to a boiling point? Do you desire more of what God has for you? I do!

I say all this to say, that sometimes in life you get overwhelmed. It seems at times it is so much easier to go with the grain just to keep your head above water. God sees you and he cares! I believe that sometimes we are in the wilderness b/c God wants to make sure that our Moral compass works correctly. When it hits the fan what or who will you turn to? If you have lost your way or can't seem to find the answer to burning questions that you have, navigate your way back to Jesus. He is always there in the same spot he never left, but he is always doing a new thing. He seeks to bless you but he is simply waiting for your prayer, for your fast and for your worship. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him :)

1 comment:

  1. yeah...i actually fasted the "right" way recently, and boy was my direction ever so clear!!!!
