Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bag Lady!

Just wondering if anyone else out there has felt short changed by someone you love and care about? Do you feel like maybe he or she has been in a bad situation or a bad relationship or just had some plain ole jacked up experiences and you are paying for someone else's mistakes? Maybe you felt you could love them beyond their hurt! Have you sacrificed a lot to not even reap a fraction of the good love, positive energy and time and attention that you sowed into the relationship? Do you feel spiritually exhausted from fighting tooth and nail and hanging on by a thread waiting for this person to live up to even a small percentage of the potential you originally saw in them?

I have been there more times than I care to admit! Maybe you are there now. You feel frustrated all worn out. Maybe you are in a hurting place where you can't even pray for yourself. I thought that when this test came around again that I would sure enough pass it b/c I have been there and done that. We all know the enemy is crafty and he will take the same ole same and dress it up and put a spin on it just to fool you again.Thank God for family and friends that can help to remove the blinders and help you to see more clearly.

Here is the advice my older cousin had to offer:
Hmm, well that's usually how those things go. Word of advice, if it's been this long, there's really nothing to figure out about the whole "us" thing. The only thing you have to do, if you haven't already, is to speak your truth. Your truth comes from your heart and what you want/need as a woman. Once this is spoken, the next question is does he qualify and only you can answer that. Relationships are all about timing. For instance, I love chocolate and when it's that TIME of the month, I crave it...even though I may not need it. Yet at the TIME I want it so bad. On other days, I still like chocolate but I'm able to think clearly and recognize that I may not need it at that TIME. It doesn't mean that sweet chocolate is a bad thing but just at this TIME in my life, given the fact that I want to get in shape, I'll have to limit my chocolate intake. If you're trying to get your life in shape; mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, that "chocolate" is not good for you at that time. Some men are just like that chocolate; sweet, smooth, and such a rush at those times that we want them but they cause us to have extra baggage (weight) when we don't know when to limit our fill of them.
Treat him like that chocolate but never allow him to cause you to have baggage. If he fits into the life that you're shaping, he's worthy, otherwise he is not what you NEED.
So today I own my truth and I accept it! As they say Truth hurts, but it is what it is. I am not bitter I am better with every measure. Thank you cuzzo for the Advice I love you :)
XOXO Patrice Ayanna

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