Friday, December 31, 2010

What's in your rearview?

So here we are only hours from a new year. Are you grateful? I know many folk in their infinite wisdom via facebook, twitter, myspace and youtube (lol) are urging you not to look back. Well I say do it! Look back with the purpose of reflecting on how you have been blessed and what you overcame. It's OK to look back to remember that you are an over comer.

What's in your rear view? Have you suffered loss? Somehow in 2010, did your normally cheery disposition become sour from the bitter taste of reality. What resolutions did you break and which if any did you keep?  What lessons did you learn? If you had to do it all again would you? I know it sounds crazy but I say yes. The struggles and pain and the tears shed have ultimately showed me the magnitude of God's reach in my life and have helped me to build character.

So here are a few things that I have learned this year....

1.) Opportunities are infinite. If there is something you want, you can make it happen!
2.) Positivity is power, speak it! believe it! achieve it!
3.) Life is a gift and not a given
4.) Progress can be a slow process but it is so necessary!
5.) People can be talkers and not doers, Make your success your business, trust God and your spirit :)

In my rear view for 2010 I leave behind; the fear of being unsuccessful because I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. I leave behind unhealthy relationships and people who are toxic because God loves me and I will love myself enough to leave them alone. I leave behind sickness and infirmity, because he gave me a second chance (I've been tumor free for 6 months) praise God. I leave behind working a job to survive and drive toward a career and long term success!! I encourage you to do the same :)

So, what's in your rear view?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Taking Inventory

So I signed up to create this blog in November and here it is almost the new year and I am just getting started. Better late than never I guess!

Well, here we are rolling right into 2011and I am taking inventory concerning my life. I don't believe in New Years resolutions because by January 2nd they are always broken. I do however believe in periodically taking a good look at your life, really turning a mirror on yourself and looking at what needs to be adjusted.

I must admit I tend to be my worse critic. I set goals that are attainable but limit them to unattainable time constraints. This is mostly due to lack of patience, and an insatiable, unquenchable thirst for success. Am I alone in this? Now maybe one of you feels the same way. I am sure that you too want to be the best that you can be.

When taking inventory, how do you measure yourself? How do you know what needs to be adjusted? For me, I do not measure myself in dollars in cents or in material things, although those things are nice. My measurables include spiritual sweat equity, and an overall sense of spiritual fulfillment. In everything I do I try to remember to do a spiritual checkpoint! Is God pleased with what I am trying to achieve? Is what I am trying to accomplish his will or my own?

Here is where the toe crunch begins. Many times the things we are trying to gain and achieve have nothing to do with his will for us. It really boils down to faith. Hebrews 11:1 says; Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So for me right now this year I am making it my business to trust in the Lord. I am  deciding to give it all away! My hearts desire and things I want
 to achieve I simply give it all to him. This I am sure is easier said than done.

If you are an eager go getter such as myself just remember you can plan, project and make calculations about the future and even set goals, but ultimately God is in control. You are an unfinished work, and that is OK.  Total surrender to the masters plan and the masters hand always a best practice.Put your trust in him for the new year sky's the limit! With God all things are possible :)