Saturday, January 3, 2015

Going Forward I Will (What's in Your Rear View)

2014 was a most interesting year to say the least. The year was filled will heart break, loss and financial difficulties and mountains of change on the career front.  There were struggles in  love, faith, family and finance. In all many beneficial life lessons were learned. I am not a real big fan of "New Year Resolutions" however, I am quite a big fan of  taking a look in the mirror reassessing and moving forward. So  this year in my rear view are some things that I am choosing to leave behind but rather than focus on those things I will focus on "Going Forward". So in the fashion of Going Forward listed below are a few affirmations concerning moving forward in the new year.


Be more diligent about God and kingdom business

Focus on building for the future

Love who Loves me

Reciprocate love and appreciation

Be more discerning of the People, Places and Things I lend my time to


Worry and stress less about things I can not control

Be absolutely ME... completely free and happy!! Free from judgement labels and other peoples opinions of what I should act think and feel like!!

Going Forward in 2015 what will you be leaving in your rear view?